Best-in-Class Insurance Service

Your Opinion Matters Most

Our members consistently give us high marks for customer satisfaction and claims service. We know how upsetting it can be when you have a claim, so we work to minimize the disruption and resolve your claim quickly and professionally. Whether you need repairs to your property or your car has to be replaced, you can count on Meemic to provide the insurance service you need.

We Have a Reputation to Maintain

Our 97% customer satisfaction rating is one of the highest overall satisfaction scores among the nation’s leading companies in claims service. It’s why nearly two of three new members are referred by other satisfied teachers and educators.

Get the Service You Deserve

By focusing on the unique needs of the educational community, we can provide exceptional insurance service and ensure you have coverage that’s tailored to your unique needs. So, when you have a claim, there are no surprises. Contact your local Meemic agent to make sure you have the coverage you need.

*Following a claim experience, over 95% of our members are likely to refer a friend or family member to Meemic. Based on a 2019 survey of Meemic members.

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